Disclaimer Hand777 – Detailed Update For New Bettors

Disclaimer is one of the important policies that you need to pay attention to when betting online. These principles help clarify the meanings of both parties or possible situations. Right after this, this article will clarify information about the responsibilities of members in this prestigious playground.

Introduction to the disclaimer on the Hand777 website

This is a policy to determine the terms and conditions applicable in specific cases. The disclaimer policy requires bettors to strictly comply with the regulations therein. This is also an important factor to help members protect the rights and interests of players in the best way.

To avoid violations, everyone needs to clearly understand and comply with the terms and conditions in the policy. This will help members make decisions with high accuracy while ensuring fairness in the betting process on the website.

Introduction to the disclaimer on the Hand777 website
Introduction to the disclaimer on the Hand777 website

Disclaimer regulations at Hand777 system

When participating in betting here, members need to understand the disclaimer regulations to avoid unfortunate mistakes. Specifically:

Information security

According to regulations, Hand 777 is obliged to protect user information with the most modern technology system. Commit to the absolute safety of bettors’ personal data, there is no case of theft or information leakage outside. All bettors’ information during the registration process is encrypted or leaked outside.

In addition, everyone should not click on any advertising links. If there is an incident, the website is not responsible for the member. Therefore, everyone needs to proactively improve their own safety is best.

Registration age

Members must ensure that they are 18 years old or older when creating an account at Hand777. In case a minor uses their parent’s information to register, the website disclaims responsibility for ongoing activities. If parents contact to cancel the account, the support team will help in the most dedicated way.

Copyright issues

Disclaimer regulations at Hand777 system
Disclaimer regulations at Hand777 system

Players need to clearly understand information security when participating in betting. The house is not responsible for any violations by players. If any unit violates copyright, everyone will be responsible before the law.

The information on the regulations of the cases provided is quite detailed. Therefore, everyone needs to clearly understand each item to avoid violations during the participation process.

Some cases of disclaimer

The disclaimer cases of Hand777 bookmaker are given to apply to both members and bookmakers, with specific regulations such as:

Betters’ responsibilities

Members participating in Hand777 must comply with the terms and conditions of the website, including regulations on information security. To avoid violations or criminal prosecution, you should learn about these regulations before participating in registering and using the service here.

One of the important regulations that you need to note is that you should not use other members’ accounts to participate in betting. If the system detects fraud, the bookmaker has the right to close the account and recover all the money.

In addition, bettors are also responsible for ensuring the security of their accounts and personal information. The bookmaker is not responsible if your account is hacked or your information is stolen due to your own negligence.

Responsibilities of the bookmaker

Some cases of disclaimer
Some cases of disclaimer

Hand777 Bookmaker is committed to providing quality services and products to members. However, in some cases of incidents, the website has the right to disclaim responsibility if the following specific conditions are met:

  • Uncontrollable incidents: The bookmaker is not responsible if the website is interrupted due to force majeure factors such as war, strike, fire, etc.
  • Incidents caused by members: If you violate the terms and conditions of the website, you must be responsible for the consequences. Therefore, to limit the loss of money, bettors need to comply with the regulations of the system.
  • Technical incidents: The bookmaker has the right to disclaim responsibility if there are incidents on the bookmaker such as system failures or software errors. However, the website will try to fix the problem as quickly as possible.
  • Incidents caused by hacking: In the event of a member being hacked and user information being stolen, the bookmaker will not bear any responsibility. Therefore, you should protect your account to avoid being hacked.


Above is all the important information about the disclaimer policy on the Hand777 website system that has been updated in detail. Hopefully, the above sharing will help everyone understand clearly so that their online entertainment activities are complete.